Creative Thinking
Creativity is a skill that can be learned developed and applied
Never before has the need for creative thinking been so important.
The pandemic has thrown up huge challenges in all parts of our lives. We are now redefining how we work, how we shop, how we travel, how we interact socially…all this requires creative thinking.
A FREE introduction to Creative Thinking
Secrets of Creativity
In this content filled 25 minutes training session you will learn the following:
- the process behind creativity- how people have great ideas
- one of the most creative thinking tools to generate new ideas
- a simple but effective evaluation tool.
Interested in finding out more?
We're going digital....
We now deliver tailored sessions for small groups through zoom and teams. Contact us today for further details.
‘A great session-love your energy, honesty and stories. A great concept and way of teaching creativity. Thank you!!
Laura Evans, Unleash Your Potential