Christmas is almost here, only one week to go! Are you dashing around trying to get those last few Christmas presents?  Instead of consuming more why not create something?

Here’s a few quick ideas that came to me this morning.

1. Personalise a wooden box

2. Paint your favourite quote on a canvas

3. Create your own board game.

Personalised box. Wooden, or cardboard boxes give you the chance to add value of your own and create something for someone special. They’re readily available from places like Inkspot, the Range or Hobbycraft. Use paint, patterned paper or just use last week Sunday magazine and paste your own thing on a box. Maybe think of all the places you’d like to go visit next year and make a collage of that – great gift for your partner.

creative-361103_640Canvas Quote. We all have our favourite quotes. It might be from someone famous or a phrase often used by a friend. Why not transfer that to a blank canvas so it can be a reminder for 2015. You could collage this too if you’re not too confident with a brush.




Your own board Game. So we’ve all seen this on The Apprentice but I’m sure you could do better. Grab a foam board for the base, some blank index cards from a stationary shop and some marker pens. Now think of something fun and playful that could while away an hour or so after Christmas dinner…

Have I got you thinking? By the end of the day you’ll probably have a few ideas- share with them with your colleagues and watch them grow.

Post your ideas and even photos below- I’d love to see what you create.

If you feel inspired, and want to follow up this creative streak check out my Creative Retreat for January. This would make a great gift too! Enjoy your own creative process.

Prith x

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