I recently worked with a Policy and Research team of a large charity. The task was to create a half day session that was enjoyable (it’s Christmas), would develop the team and offer people an opportunity to think differently about their work.
The team already work well together so this was a case of building on that foundation and creating deeper relationships and greater understanding. We did two exercises: one related to them as individuals and one was a work based theme- both were art/craft based.
People’s reaction to art materials are always interesting. Some people can’t wait to dive in, some are little more hesitant and occasionally people experience a block. The latter happened with someone in this group. Free drawing/ mark making, which was part of the second activity, was a big stretch for one person, but they made it through.
‘A session that pushed me out of my comfort zone. Although I felt a little lost when we began with the drawing I found the painting element much easier, thinking about how the colours worked together. It was amazing to see how it came together into a piece of art.’
As the group worked stories were shared and insights too in a very gentle way- that is beauty of using this material. People can reveal what they want to reveal in their own way.
‘It was really good way to think differently. It is always nice to discover different ways of thinking in the work environment and I think that what we did today was a great way to do it : it was about us, it was about the team, it was about the work; but nothing was concretely related to work! The abstraction made a lot of sense to express out feelings about those three issues. Fabulous! thank you so much.’
And a final comment from the team’s leader.
‘Good way to encourage everyone to share a piece of their self with others in the team. A great way to get people to work together.’
If you would like to use an arts based methodology to develop your team, think about the future or develop new ideas please do get in touch. What are the benefits?
- It invites people to move from the rational, logical, linear left brain to the imaginative right brain.
- People have conversations that they wouldn’t normally have. Sometimes about work, sometimes about themselves. Either way relationships and trust increase and we both know what impact that has on a team and an organisation.
- It’s a great leveller. Painting in this way is often new to people. Regardless of where you are in the order of things, in this activity you are all one the same level- a beginner
- Thinking in the abstract is a great starting point for increased creativity generally. The knock on effect of this new thinking in the work place is hugely beneficial- particularly if nurtured.
- People feel more creative, they feel good about themselves, work has now made them feel good about themselves- what a great place this is to work!
Contact me to book a session today
Tel: 07966 872786